Happy Spring! There is still a chill in the air but the signs of spring are upon us! Thankfully the winter’s months have gone by quickly! I am really excited that April is here because I feel it is going to be a fabulous month. I am really looking forward to our Leadership Conference on April 29th. It is going to be an awesome program and I absolutely LOVE this year's theme "Build & Bloom". I recently heard someone say that you should bloom where you land. We are afforded moments for growth and blossom every single day - some are big and some are small. I am hopeful that many of the seeds that I have planted for my business, for NAWBO and for my family will Blossom and bear plenty of fruit. I hope the same for all of you - continue to BUILD your business and BLOOM into the BEST version of yourself! Have an abundantly fruitful month and I look forward to seeing hopefully ALL if not MOST of you on April 29th at the Pyramid Club!!
April 01, 2019