October 2022 NAWBO Advocacy Update
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July 2022 NAWBO Advocacy Update
Employee Retention Credit (ERC)
Have you heard of the Employee Retention Credit (ERC)? Ask your tax expert about it!
The Seven Wonders of the World: Can you name the Eighth?
Written by Joslyn G Ewart, CFP®
With all that the pandemic has brought to our doorsteps, many of us business owners put our travel plans on hold—both professionally as well as personally. However, that did not stop our entrepreneurial wheels from turning with zest for prioritizing the sights of interest to us—when travel is again deemed safe. For instance, your short list might include visits to the Seven Wonders of the World. While you are testing yourself to see how many you can name, read on to learn about the Eighth Wonder of the World.
Vital opportunity: Improve Your Triple Bottom Line today!
Written by Joslyn G Ewart, CFP®
There may be no better aspiration for small business owners, in these days of moving beyond COVID, than to aim for the improvement of their “Triple Bottom Line.” Of course, when we hear bottom line, we think of business profits. But what about the planet and what about people? Forward thinking business owners recognize the value of both as well as the potential impact of each on the “profit” side of their respective businesses.
Taxes: Three Tips for Reducing Yours!
Written by Joslyn G Ewart, CFP® — Proud NAWBO member for over a decade
Member Spotlight: Ana Fernandez-Parmet
NAWBO 2020 Advocacy Days Report
NAWBO Philadelphia members brought messages to the legislators and reported back to us about their experiences and a call to action!* This year NAWBO Advocacy Days’ activities were scheduled as virtual meetings. Representing NAWBO Philadelphia, Jen Bravo and Sandy Clitter met with staff from several key legislators and brought back a report —Jen Bravo is interviewed here:
NAWBO Member Spotlight - Meet Nancy
NAWBO Member Spotlight - Nancy Vinkler, Views Digital Marketing Agency
NAWBO Member Spotlight - Meet Sharon
Written by Jane Downey, Clarity Concepts
and Pam Hesler, Pam Hesler & Assoc. Photography
Sharon Lewis-Gregg - Greater Philadelphia Association Management Group