Greetings NAWBO Philadelphia! I am really looking forward to serving our chapter as president for the next two years! I am also looking forward to meeting many of you during the months of September and October at our local events and programs. I will be traveling to Spokane, Washington on September 22, 2018 to attend the NAWBO National Women’s Business Conference. I have attended the conference for the past two years and I have been empowered with the wisdom and energy of our fellow NAWBO members from across the country! The conference is always in a different city. If you have the ability to make last minute travel plans, I would encourage attending this year’s conference (September 23-25). If that is not possible, then mark your calendars for October 2019 in Jacksonville, Florida.
I will leave you for now with this quote from Jim Collins: “No matter how much the world changes, people still have the fundamental need to belong to something they can feel proud of.”